


Seamstress creates handmade memory bears to ‘celebrate’ life of late Queen

“Cardiff seamstress Sharon Samways is using her handmade bears to ‘bring some joy on a sad day’ as Friday marks one year since the late Queen’s death.”


What a whirlwind week it has been! And if you’re reading this, then welcome to my brand-new website and my very first blog.

As I sat down to think about what to write, I realised that the reason I am here is because of you. So, let me tell you a bit about myself!

I may not have exciting tales or dramatic stories fit for a Soap opera, but I am just an ordinary person trying to live a “normal” life. I am a wife, a mother to three adult children, and a proud fur baby parent. Sewing has been a passion of mine since childhood, and I can’t resist buying fabric – any fellow sewists out there will understand the struggle!

So, let’s start with the end of my whirlwind week. September 2, 2023, marked a major milestone for me – I turned fifty! It’s hard to believe how quickly time has flown, and reaching this age was something I had never considered.

Looking back, I have fond memories of chatting with my mother in the kitchen, imagining what life would be like in the year 2000 – the big millennial event! I would be 27 years old, was I going to be married? No! Was I going to have children? – hell no!, my life’s ambitions were to have a good job, a flat, a dishwasher, and maybe one of those “Inphones”, and that’s not a typo (please don’t judge, some of you may remember this ad, but if not click the link for a giggle)  Early 1980’s British Telecom Advert – YouTube  .  Life seemed so simple and innocent back then, and my mum always chuckled away but never burst my bubble.

But life had different plans. The technological advancements leading up to the year 2000 brought both fear and excitement. The Y2K bug was a looming threat, making it seem like life as we knew it would come crashing down. Although it turned out to be laughable, it did mark a significant shift as technology began to dominate our lives.

By the year 2000, I was married with a toddler, a successful career, and a home of my own – the opposite of the dreams I had as a young girl. Then came my thirties, which saw me still married but with three children under the age of four!

At the wise age of thirty-four, I decided to shape my life in a new direction. I enrolled in an access course to teacher training at a local university, passing this one-year course would guarantee me a place on the degree, naturally I passed as I was determined to secure a teaching degree. I would love to say these Uni days were the best of my life, but for me they were extremely hard, stressful, and long. I studied at university for four years and whilst most of the young cohort enjoyed late nights partying, I would be burning the midnight oil trying to finish essays after I had taken care of the kids and put them to bed. I used to chuckle at the start of 9am lectures as people slowly dragged their tired bodies through the door whilst I had been up for hours, done washing, sorted kids and was ready for the day ahead.

 It was incredibly challenging juggling essays and lectures while taking care of my family. But I had a wonderful group of fellow “mature” students who became my closest friends. Despite the difficulties, I graduated with a BA Honours, just six marks shy of a First. It was a moment of triumph and validation for all the arduous work.

My forties came and went without much celebration as I faced surgery and the end of my career. The life I had worked so hard to build slowly crumbled as did my health. I felt trapped in my own home, even amidst the hustle and bustle of a busy household. I needed a purpose, a way to fill the emptiness. I tried various hobbies, but none brought me satisfaction until I rediscovered the art of sewing, a precious legacy passed down by my grandmother and mother.

Then, 2020 arrived, and the world came to a standstill. The fear and sorrow engulfed us all as the news kept reporting the increasing death toll. During these unprecedented times, I started making memory bears for those who wanted to hold onto their loved ones’ possessions. Sew Precious was born out of these challenging times.

Fast-forward to 2023, my 50th birthday! Blessed with a long and hot weekend of celebrations and quality time with family was the best. This was followed by a short two-day getaway. Just before my birthday, I shared a picture of a memory bear that I had made in honour of the late Queen knowing her first anniversary was just around the corner. I had shared it on social media multiple times, including on International Women’s Day. Little did I know that this would catch the attention of a journalist from PA News, Hannah Cottrell.

After confirming it wasn’t a scam, I had an interview scheduled for the morning of the seventh. The journalist mentioned that the story would be finalised on that evening, ready for release on the 8th of September. Curiosity got the better of me, and I did a quick search that night. To my astonishment, my image appeared in numerous online papers across the UK, including The Guardian and The Times, as well as on BBC News online. It was overwhelming to see my story spread across the country. The following morning, I received a call from a lady who had seen my picture on a newsstand in Glasgow. Newsstand? That meant my story made it into print! I couldn’t believe it. As I phoned my mum to tell her the news, she informed me that I also had a half page spread in our local South Wales Echo to which I overwhelmingly replied “You know you’ve made it if you’re in the Echo!!!

So, here I am, one week into my fabulous fifties, and it has been amazing. Age truly is just a number, and over the years, I’ve learned that life is precious, especially the love and support of family. As I look at latest family photo, the first one in over 10+ years, I see my greatest achievements staring right back at me. Amongst those feelings of contentment and achievement I wondered whether the 50-year-old me would tell my naive younger self to do things differently. But do you know what? I don’t think so! I have a renewed sense of who I am, what I stand for and just how capable and determined I can and will continue to be.

It’s been an incredible journey and I am grateful for every experience that has shaped me into the person I am today. I am excited for the new possibilities that lie ahead and will continue to embrace new challenges. Life is too short to dwell on what could have been. Instead, I choose to focus on the present, cherish my loved ones and make the most of every opportunity that comes my way.

Cheers to my fabulous fifties and the adventures that await!

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